
Engineering Careers: The Basics

Engineering Careers: The Basics

If you are interested in a career in engineering, there are many different areas and courses in which to train and work and it can be hard to know which you want to focus on. You will also want to know how you can make sure that your job application stands out. It is possible to study two engineering degrees in two years – to gain skills, knowledge and experience. This will also prove to potential employers that you are not only incredibly knowledgeable, but also hard-working and dedicated. Read on to discover more about this study option. 

What is Engineering?

In short, engineering is concerned with the science and technology surrounding the designing, building and usage of machines, structures, engines and chemical processes. Within engineering, there are many different branches and job roles, such as chemical, civil, mechanical and nuclear engineering. Engineers are incredibly skilled and knowledgeable individuals, and many qualifications are required to succeed in this field.  

As well as qualifications, there are plenty of personal skills that are important as an engineer, as you are often part of a team and working and communicating with people from different backgrounds, from colleagues to the general public. 

What are the career outcomes?

Within engineering, there are many different fields and types, and you will eventually choose which one you want to specialize in. Some fields combine elements of multiple other fields, which can provide a career that stretches your knowledge and exposes you to other areas of engineering. Some of the options include:

Chemical- involves manufacturing and using chemicals in fields such as pharmaceuticals, as these fields require specialized knowledge of chemical elements and processes.

Aerospace- concerns flight and includes designing and constructing air and spacecraft. There are two types: aeronautical and astronautical engineering, with the former working with aircraft that fly within the Earth’s atmosphere and the latter concerning spacecraft that fly outside of the Earth’s atmosphere,

Agricultural- this involves combining elements of other kinds of engineering to meet farming and food production needs and goals. The other types of engineering include mechanical, civil, electrical and chemical, making it an incredibly varied career option.

Nuclear- concerned with the safe usage of nuclear energy. This includes the processes, systems and research involved, and can focus on power generation or researching and testing the use of nuclear energy in other fields such as medicine.

Civil- concerns the planning of public works and making the environment inhabitable in modern times. This includes roads, bridges and dams. 

Mechanical- designing and developing a huge range of different physical products such as car engines or printers.

Electrical- involves working with any device or item that transmits energy, such as cell phones or computers.

Education and training

If you want to become an engineer, you will need a lot of specialized training and experience. If you are just at the start of your educational journey, it is a good idea to choose majors or courses that relate to engineering, such as the sciences, mathematics and even foreign languages. When selecting undergraduate courses, there are many engineering courses to choose from, at a wide range of different institutions. Typically, the first year will involve introductions to different types of engineering, before you begin to focus in on your specialism in the second and third years. 

It is also useful to take part in internships or placements to allow you to put your knowledge into practice, see what working in an engineering environment is like and even begin networking and building connections with industry professional and organizations. Some institutions offer this as part of a course or can at least help you find and apply for these opportunities.

You will also have to gain your license in order to begin working as an engineer who offers their services directly to the public. This is done by completing the various licensing exams which are in two parts. Even if your role does not require a license, the majority of engineers still apply for and sit the exams to gain one. Further study, which as an MA or PhD is often undertaken by those wishing to work in higher positions or continue their education. Combining modules to gain two degrees in as many years is a brilliant way of boosting your skills and knowledge, as well as making your job applications stand out. It shows employers that you are knowledgeable and passionate, can work hard and manage multiple products and workloads. These are skills that you will need when you work as an engineer in any field, and therefore developing these abilities during your studies is very beneficial. Click here to find out more on how to do that.

Benefits of a master’s degree

Studying at a master’s level has incredible benefits, both personal and for your career. Many of the higher-paying jobs within engineering require you to have a master’s degree, so studying for two will help prepare you to advance up the career ladder. As well as the financial benefits, there is a higher level of training and skills taught at master’s level that you would not get in a bachelor’s degree. As well as improving your career prospects, many master’s degrees can be studied alongside your existing career, or even online. This means that you can choose to study at this level at any time in your life, boosting your career and personal skills. You will also develop skills such as time management, research, writing and presenting, and will work with a cohort and tutors that are as passionate and knowledgeable as you are, which is also a great way to network and build connections. 

Benefits of online study

Online study is becoming increasingly popular due to its flexibility and often lower costs. This makes it more achievable for a wider range of people. If you already have commitments such as a family or a job, full time in-person study may not suit you. This is where online courses are incredibly valuable, as they allow you to maintain your life commitments while working towards achieving your qualifications.

Online courses are often cheaper, as you can save money on tuition fees, commuting, accommodation and living costs. Furthermore, the ability to work alongside study means that you can continue earning money whilst you learn. Other benefits of studying at home include the flexibility and option to work at your own pace. This can greatly improve your learning experience and also teach you a lot about the ways you learn best. Online learning can help you develop positive habits in regards to work ethic and learning, which can be carried forward into your career and future projects. 

Is it for you?

In order to succeed as an engineer and have the capacity to study two degrees in two years, there are a combination of soft and hard skills that you will need. Your education, training and experiences can help develop these, as well as your general attitude and approach to working. Soft skills are non-technical, personal skills such as communication and teamwork. These are extremely important transferable skills that help you succeed in the workplace and are looked upon favorably by employers.

Hard skills are the more technical, job-specific skills that you will learn during your training. These skills can vary depending on your job and education, so it is important to make sure the courses you undertake teach you the skills you need for the job you want.

Soft skills that are useful in engineering include:


  • Communication- you will need to be able to communicate and listen to the needs and ideas of others, as well as explain yourself and your own ideas efficiently and eloquently. As well as communicating with your colleagues and teammates, you may also have to speak with clients and the public, who will not have a technical background or as much understanding of engineering as you do. This means you will need to know how to adapt your approaches to different people.
  • Teamwork- you will often be working as part of a larger team, and so will need to be able to collaborate with different types of people. As well as your verbal communication, using your body language and general attitude is important in teamwork, as it can help you be a team player and encourage the same in others.
  • Problem solving- a huge part of engineering is problem solving and troubleshooting, as well as being able to come up with solutions and alternatives. Being creative, critical and flexible can help you solve problems efficiently. 


Depending on your field of expertise, you will need different technical skills, such as:


  • Higher mathematics
  • Advanced physics
  • Statistics
  • Environmental awareness


Becoming an engineer is a vary varied and interesting career, that will use all of your knowledge and skills. It can be a competitive industry, so it is important to consider your strengths and how you can make yourself stand out when you apply for jobs. This can be through multiple qualifications, proving you are interested and passionate about the field, and have plenty of knowledge and experience that you can use. 

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